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Phabrico can be installed as a customizable HTTP module in IIS by means of Nuget packages.

Quick guide

Basically you need to implement the following things:

The parameters for the Phabrico.Http.Server constuctor should be:

# Parameter Value
1 bool remoteAccessEnabled true
2 int listenTcpPortNr -1
3 string rootPath (the baseURI you want to use in your URL)
4 bool isHttpModule true

An exampe in C#:

using Phabrico;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Web;

namespace My.Wiki
    public class IISModule : IHttpModule
        static Phabrico.Http.Server httpServer;

        static IISModule()
            httpServer = new Phabrico.Http.Server(true, -1, "holiday", true);

            httpServer.Customization.ApplicationName = "The Holiday Company";
            httpServer.Customization.ApplicationNameStyle["color"] = "white";
            httpServer.Customization.ApplicationNameStyle["font-weight"] = "bold";
            httpServer.Customization.ApplicationNameStyle["font-size"] = "17px";
            httpServer.Customization.ApplicationNameStyle["font-family"] = "lato,sans-serif";

            httpServer.Customization.ApplicationLogo = new Bitmap(typeof(IISModule).Assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("Phabrico.Images.logo.png"));

            httpServer.Customization.Theme = ApplicationCustomization.ApplicationTheme.Dark;
            httpServer.Customization.AvailableLanguages = new Phabrico.Miscellaneous.Language[] { "en", "de"};

            httpServer.Customization.HideConfig = true;
            httpServer.Customization.HideFiles = true;
            httpServer.Customization.HideManiphest = true;
            httpServer.Customization.HideNavigatorTooltips = false;
            httpServer.Customization.HideOfflineChanges = true;
            httpServer.Customization.HidePhriction = false;
            httpServer.Customization.HidePhrictionActionMenu = true;
            httpServer.Customization.HidePhrictionFavorites = true;
            httpServer.Customization.HideProjects = true;
            httpServer.Customization.HideSearch = false;
            httpServer.Customization.HideUsers = true;
            httpServer.Customization.IsReadonly = true;

        public void Init(HttpApplication application)

        public void Dispose()


Customization parameters

Parameter Description Default
ApplicationCSS Global cascading style sheets which are injected in each page  
ApplicationHeaderStyle CSS styles for formatting the header on top (e.g. the background color of the header)  
ApplicationLogo The logo that should be shown in the top left corner Phabrico logo
ApplicationLogoStyle CSS styles for formatting the ApplicationLogo  
ApplicationName The name of the application that should be shown in the top left corner Phabrico
ApplicationNameStyle CSS styles for formatting the ApplicationName  
AuthenticationFactor If Knowledge, one should authenticate with username and password to access Phabrico; If Public, no authentication is needed Knowledge
CustomRemarkupRules Dictionary of regexes for executing custom parser rules (**)  
FavIcon If set to a PNG image, the PNG image will be used as icon in the browser tab; if not set, the default Phabrico icon will be used Phabrico icon
HideConfig If true (*), Config screen will not be accessible false
HideFiles If true (*), Files screen will not be accessible false
HideManiphest If true (*), Maniphest tasks will not be accessible false
HideNavigatorTooltips If true (*), the tooltips for the menu items in the homepage will not be shown false
HideOfflineChanges If true (*), Offline Changes screen will not be accessible false
HidePhame If true (*), Phame blogs will not be accessible false
HidePhriction If true (*), Phriction/wiki documents will not be accessible false
HidePhrictionActionMenu If true (*), the menu on the right side of the Phriction documents is no longer visible false
HidePhrictionChanges If true (*), the changes made in Phriction/wiki documents can not be seen or undone false
HidePhrictionFavorites If true (*), Phriction/wiki documents can not be marked as favorite false
HidePlugins If true (*) for a specific plugin, the plugin will not be accessible. See further below for more information. false
HideProjects If true (*), Phabricator projects will not be accessible false
HideSearch If true (*), Search field will not be accessible false
HideUsers If true, Phabricator users will not be accessible false
IsReadonly If true (*), no Phriction document or Maniphest task can be edited false
AvailableLanguages Array of language codes for Phabrico application. (Content of Phriction documents might be translated if translation exists). If not set, all languages are available Language of browser or English
MasterDataIsAccessible If false, the master data on Phabricator is not accessible via Phabrico. If IsReadonly is true, MasterDataIsAccessible wil be false true
Theme Auto, Light or Dark; If Auto, the user can change the theme in the Config screen (if accessible) Auto

(*) Some of the Customization parameters are boolean vectors. These can be set as a normal boolean value (true or false), but can also be set to a LINQ method with some browser specifics parameter. The example below will hide the Action menu in Phriction in case you’re using Firefox but not if you are using Edge:

httpServer.Customization.HidePhrictionActionMenu = new Phabrico.Miscellaneous.BooleanVector<Phabrico.Http.Browser>(browser => browser.UserAgent.ToLower().Contains("firefox") == false);

The following browser specifics are avaiable: IPAddress, (Phabrico) Language, URL and UserAgent

(**) CustomRemarkupRules is a Dictionary<string,string> from which the key represents a regex to match a token, the value is the replacement. You can also use backreferences in the replacement string. The example below will change the colors of highlighted texts in to black/yellow:

httpServer.Customization.CustomRemarkupRules[@"^!!([^\n]*?!*)!!"] = "<span style='background:black; color:yellow;'>$1</span>";


Some Phabrico plugins can be specifically hidden by means of the HidePlugins parameter. This is a dictionary of BooleanVectors per plugin name. The following plugin names are available:

For example:

httpServer.Customization.HidePlugins["DiagramsNet"] = new Phabrico.Miscellaneous.BooleanVector<Phabrico.Http.Browser>(browser => browser.IPAddress.Equals("") == false);

IIS Configuration



You can make use of a symbolic link in case you want your Phabrico IIS module not installed in the C:\inetpub\wwwroot directory. If you execute the following statements in a command prompt window, you can keep your Phabrico IIS module in C:\Program Files\PhabricoIIS. For IIS they are accessible via MyPhabrico

cd c:\inetpub\wwwroot
mklink /D MyPhabrico "C:\Program Files\PhabricoIIS"

You can also install your Phabrico IIS module in a subdirectory in c:\inetpub\wwwroot directory, for example c:\inetpub\wwwroot\holiday. Important in this case is that the name of the subdirectory must be the same as the 3rd parameter in your constructor:

httpServer = new Phabrico.Http.Server(true, -1, "holiday", true);


You can set the following configuration parameters in the app.config file of the custom IIS HTTP module:

Parameter Description Default
configuration/appSettings/DatabaseDirectory Location of the Phabrico database file Directory where IIS HTTP module is installed in
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